Develop Marketing Communications or a Sales Message
The key to developing advertising or packaging for a Brand is a well thought out creative strategy. In order to prepare a creative strategy, it is necessary to learn why people buy your product or service, and which benefit has the largest impact on the target audience.
A creative strategy (often called a copy or advertising strategy) defines what you will say about your product or service. It explains how you want consumers to think about your Brand.
The creative strategy guides and directs the development of current and future sales messages, packaging, and advertising. It clearly articulates how the product or service will be presented to customers and positioned versus competitors.
“The creative strategy guides and directs the development of current and future sales messages, packaging, and advertising. It clearly articulates how the product or service will be presented to customers and positioned versus competitors.”
Components of a Creative Strategy
Overall Objective:
The purpose for making the communication: the problem to be solved; what action or change you want to result from the communication.
Target Audience:
To whom you wish to communicate your message. Knowing this group defines what information to convey, how to say it, and how to deliver it.
A single idea that explains why the target audience should take the action you desire. This one idea should summarize the benefit the target audience can expect to receive.
Facts and perceptions that make the promise believable.
Explain how your product or service is different from competitors and how you want the target audience to think about your Brand in comparison with other Brands.
Emotional guideline that helps select vocabulary and style of presentation.
Net Impression:
What you would like the target audience to state after having been exposed to the communication.
Executional Guidelines:
Social norms, company rules, or category requirements that place limitations on what is acceptable or appropriate content.